Task Description:This week we are learning about how we can save our waters by not polluting our waters with rubbish and endangering our animals that are known to water.
Save Our Waters
Answer each question to the best of your ability, using full sentences and make sure to include detail in your responses.
1. What are the different bodies of water discussed in the article, and what properties make them unique?
Bodies of Water
Unique Properties
It is saline,its freezing point is slightly lower than fresh water,and its density is slightly tighter.
Lakes contain 90 percent of the earth’s surface.
The start of the river is called a source.Many different animals live in the river.
2. What are some daily activities that you use water for?
Some daily activities could be doing the washing,doing the dishes or it could be cooking purpose.
3. How do oceans help to control the Earth’s climate and temperature?
By absorbing carbon dioxide and heat from the atmosphere.
By producing oxygen.
By trapping heat and increasing global temperatures.
By giving the Earth a nice cool drink of water.
4. Vocabulary
Find a sentence which uses this word in the text.
Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases.
One way is to reduce pollution. We can do this by properly disposing of waste, using environmentally-friendly products, and reducing our carbon footprint.
An ecosystem is a geographic area where plant and animals, and other organisms.
Another way to keep our bodies of water healthy is to protect their ecosystems
Biodiversity is short for biological diversity
Other natural habitats that are important for water quality and biodiversity.
A habitat is something you are used to doing everyday.
They are fed by streams and rivers, and they provide a habitat
Agriculture encompasses crop and livestock production, and aquaculture.
Many industries, such as agriculture and tourism.
5. Why is it important for us to reduce pollution in bodies of water?
It is important to reduce pollution in bodies of water so our water animals don’t extinct.
6. What can happen to ecosystems if bodies of water become polluted?
This dearth of oxygen, known as eutrophication, suffocates plants and animals and can create “dead zones,” where waters are essentially devoid of life.
7. Why might wetlands be important for water quality?
a wonderful tool to filter and recycle waste, pollutants, and sediment washed from the land.
8. How can you personally contribute to keeping bodies of water healthy?
You can contribute by helping to clean the ocean and be healthy to our animals that are in danger because of dirty stuff in our bodies of water.
8. What would Earth look like, and what problems could we face if our bodies of water become too polluted to support plant and animal life?
Our earth would look like trash and it would look very disgusting. It would be dangerous to our animals that could extinct.