Category: Hanga | Create


Today We have been asked if we could make a template and speak all about our role model and add pictures of our role model, I have chose Siua Wong because he has helped not only me but my sisters to gain a lot of confidience towards playing sports and especially rugby, Siua wong is a proud rugby player who plays for the Sydney Roosters. Check It Out!!

Book Trailor – One Friday Morning

Have you ever been discriminated against you because of your skin colour race or religion.Imagine if you went to a School in the 19’s And you have moved to America but the country was only full with racism, you were a talented artist who had supporting Teachers that has helped you alot, Let’s say you won a artist comp and you had happy feelings within yourself, As you prepare to get a speech ready for the day to come you suddenly get called to go to the principal’s office and you get there just to see the principle with a disappointed face you think and have a strong feeling that it’s nothing bad…. But suddenly there was a big change! This book is Called One Friday Morning by Langstin Hughes if you want to know more about what happens next Check this book out !!