Year: 2024

Monkeys Paw Rap

These last few weeks my literacy group have been working on a create task based on our story the book that we have been reading is The monkeys Paw, Our create task was really challenging we had to eaither make a song or rap to summarize the whole story, Me and my partner Oioi made a short rap for our create task we hope you enjoy!!!Lyrics:Monkey’s paw don’t wish too fast,
You might get what you want but it won’t last!
So if you wish but they turned bad,
So be careful or you’ll be sad!

The last wish, they tried to fix it quick,
But the paw just kept making things rigged
If you find it, don’t play around,
It’s better to leave it on the ground

Monkey’s paw, don’t wish too fast,
You might get what you want, but it won’t last
Three wishes, but they’ll turn bad,
So be careful, or you’ll be sad!

The skethcy Women : Create Task The car

The SkeTcHy WoMaN
Once upon a time there was a trio by the names of Oioi , Eve , and Ariah.There were all chilling on the couch watching a movie at Ariah’s house, during the movie Oioi had an idea , to make the viral dubai chocolate , When Oioi said that Me and Ariah excitingly screamed and ran straight to the front door as we were putting on our shoes . As we were on our way walking to the shop we saw a sketchy Woman Coming past us in an old creepy looking caravan staring at us longingly.

As the lady went past we didn’t really think much so we smiled at her and she had a ugly sarcastic looking smile back at us.Eve was shaking as she held onto ariah.Just as we got to the shop the Sketchy woman parked her caravan right in front of us, as she came out Oioi said , ‘u…uhhhh.. Ca- can we he- help you?”The lady just stayed quiet so we walked right past her pretending she wasn’t there. As we turned she wasn’t there it was like she just disappeared, Then we heard someone say death , we turned around but Eve said we probably misheard someone else.We walked into the shop and bought some yummy crisp chips then we headed to the next aisle and bought some yummy gummies and then Ariah saw these 20 dollar cheetos and Oioi said no because it was to expensive but Ariah kept badgering Oioi to get it so Oioi agreed to get it.Eve went to go and get the ingredients to make the dubai viral chocolate.

Stop / Go

This Week We have been reading a text called Stop / Go it is a text about a construction site on the road and there is a man that broke his tire while trying to  go past the road works. This text is talking about being kind , and not just people on the road but being kind to everyone you meet it is really important to be kind becuase The kindess you do in life can reflect on our future.

The hitch- hiker

This week my literacy class has been reading all about character traits we had to do a create task and right a script but change up the hitch – hiker into our version check it out!!


Title: The Mcdonalds Mystery

Characters: Eve & Oioi

  • Narrator: Oioi
  • Hitchhiker: Eve


Scene:  The narrator enters


Narrator: *walks in Mcdonalds holding his wallet*

Hitchhiker: *Walking behind him trying to be sneaky*

Narrator:  *Walks to the register* Hello can I get 1 big mac, 2 large fries and 1 coke please!

Hitchhiker:* Steal 50 bucks from a random lady then moves towards the narrator*

Narrator: ‘Excuse me are you alright there’ I said mysteriously

Hitchhiker: “Oh um could you please buy me food I’m very hungry sir”

Narrator: *Um Sorry No I don’t have enough money to feed you* Turns back around

Hitchhiker:* I quickly steal his wallet and run out of the store just waiting from him to exit*

Narrator: He quickly comes out and looks around and sees me in the bush

Hitchhiker: I get caught and suddenly I ended up explaining to him the reason I stole his money , I managed to keep the 50 bucks just not his wallet.