Drama Reflect

Drama Reflection:

WHO – Me, Carlos, Chevelle , Ana . Performed our play today for our drama. We did a lot of practice this whole term and we were very stressed because we didn’t have our whole group there at the time we did our play .

WHAT – We did a play for our inquiry task. Our play was called THE INVISIBLE RAINCOAT. There were six characters but not everyone was here to participate.

WHERE – We got put into different classes and I got put into Mr wisemans class. We had a setup where you got all your props and costumes and created however you wanted it too and it had to be connected with your play!!

WHY – We needed to get marked on our play so that we could get a good mark on our inquiry for this year’s theme: (TRANSFORMERS)

HOW – We were told to get our own costumes from home and some of our props and then we had to bring them to school to match our character , We also had to try an memorize our scripts.

REFLECT : Overall I think we did a good job and I think that my group tried their best even though not all of my group was here we did a great job! I Was really scared at first because I kind of thought that our play was a bit boring ,  I think the best actor was all of us we all tired our best and got thorugh it in the end , Enjoy!!

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